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Archives / 2020 / July
  • Rest Your Mind, Create

    Weighed down with the business and worries of the world? A thread of conversation that has kept cropping up for me this past week has been about escaping worries and troubles by doing art. Not art … more

  • Motivation and Growth through Challenges


    Lately I have been addicted to challenges, not the world is in a crisis sort though, but the kind that make you do arty things for a month, or even a year!  Inktober52 has a prompt a week, … more

  • A new Tribe

    Guest Blog Writer

    Talking about personal things is very brave on a public forum so I would like to thank Jane Meleisea for contributing this week’s blog! Please respect her bravery and applaud her … more

  • Why do I need Social Media marketing as an Artist?

    Well to state the obvious, it is here to stay and how people are buying art. If you have not lived under a rock this year you will know that the world is definitely heading towards that direction in … more

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